Enikolopov Institute of Synthetic Polymeric Materials
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Enikolopov Institute of Synthetic Polymeric Materials
Enikolopov Institute of Synthetic Polymeric Materials
Research departments
Department of Synthetic Polymers and Polymer Nanomaterials
Laboratory of Synthesis of Organoelement Polymers
Laboratory of Radiation Modification of the Polymers
Laboratory of Molecular Design of Polymer Nanomaterials
Department of Organic Electronics
Laboratory of Functional Materials for Organic Electronics and Photonics
Laboratory of Molecular Sensor Technologies and Devices
Laboratory of Polymer Solar Cells
Laboratory of Photo- and Electrophysics of Organic Semiconductors
Department of Polymer Structural Materials
Laboratory of Structure of Polymer Materials
Laboratory of Thermostable Plastics
Laboratory of High-Tech Polymers for Gas Separation Membranes
Department of Biopolymers
Laboratory of Solid-State Chemical Reactions
Laboratory of Functional Polymer Structures
Laboratory of Polymer and Composite Materials for Biomedical Applications