Scientific Resources for Staff
Online scientific resources
* The resources listed below can only be accessed from the Institute's internal network.
Springer Nature Publishing

Springer Link Platform
More than 3,000 Springer journals published in 1997-2018. More than 70,000 Springer e-books: 2005-2017 (2005-2010 through the RFBR and 2011-2017 through the RNPLS&T), including monographs, reference books and conference proceedings.

Springer Materials database
Springer Materials is the most comprehensive database describing the properties and characteristics of materials. It accumulates information from such disciplines as materials science, physics, physical and inorganic chemistry, mechanical engineering, etc.
Nature Platform
More than 90 natural science journals, including the oldest and one of the most authoritative scientific journals — Nature.

zbMath database
zbMATH is the most comprehensive mathematical database covering materials from the late 19th century. zbMATH contains about 4,000,000 documents from more than 3,000 journals and 170,000 books on mathematics, statistics, computer science, as well as mechanical engineering, physics, natural sciences, etc.
Nano database
For the first time, the Nano database has become available to all RFBR grantees. This unique resource provides data on more than 200,000 nanomaterials and nanodevices collected from the most authoritative scientific publications.
Elsevier Publishing

«Complete Freedom Collection» ScienceDirect® online
Freedom Collection is a full-text collection of electronic journals published by Elsevier on various branches of knowledge, including at least 2,500 electronic journals.
Access is provided to the full texts of articles for the current year, as well as to the issues for 2007-2017.

Collection of e-books "Evidеnce Based Selection" ScienceDirect® online
The database contains more than 15 thousand books published by Elsevier. ScienceDirect tools automatically offer related sources, which leads to a reduction in the time spent by researchers searching for content and ensures the continuity of studying in an optimal context.
Access is provided to the full texts of books published since January 1, 1995.

Scopus database
The world's largest unified abstract database, which indexes more than 21,000 titles of scientific, technical and medical journals from approximately 5,000 international publishers.
American Chemical Society

SciFinder (Chemical Abstracts service)
A login and password are required to log in. Previously unregistered employees and graduate students of the institute can contact the administration to obtain a password and login.
Web of Science